Young Supporters e.V.
Young Supporters is a registered association (e.V.) to support young people and their families in crisis and grief
We are here to advise, accompany and inform children, adolescents and young adults as well as their families in difficult phases of their lives.
Our support offer is based on four pillars:
- We support children, teenagers and young adults in their grieving processes.
- We are the point of contact for Young Carers, who are looking after a family member and who feel left alone.
- Another project of Young Supporters is the psychosocial support of young refugees. Our offer "ConAmi - crisis and grief management for refugees" has been in place since 2015.
- The fourth pillar of our offer includes training work. The Young Supporters team offers volunteer courses for grief counselors as well as the "Große Basisqualifikation Trauerbegleitung" (major basic qualification in grief counseling) certified by the Bundesverband Trauerbegleitung (BVT).